
Palm Sunday bimble on the Black Mountains

Palm Sunday is known as The Flowers Sunday in Wales – Sul y Blodau (Phonetically – Seal urh blodye) – and it is a big thing. Tradionally it is the day we tend to loved ones graves and put flowers in rememberence and to honour them. Yesterday I did just that, honoured my grandparents, my […]

Set Lusting Bruce: A Bruce Springsteen Podcast

Winter comes and winter goes. Spring is trying to kick the dampness of the Welsh winter into touch and I am just dying to get out on a bike to have some fun again. I am giving myself a big fat ‘F’ for blogging this winter but I am back on the keyboard and writing […]

The Code of the Irish Road : The Return of The Magnificent Seven

  Rolling off the ferry onto the concrete standing of Rosslare harbour with the sun squinting through the afternoon haze can only mean another Irish biking adventure. After an uneventful ferry trip from Fishguard, being chased by seagulls, gannets, dolphins, and porpoises, it was great to have the tyres crunch the tarmac and set out […]

Rocking all over the world

I am going to definitely make it through this year. Now the lockdowns are behind us, it is great that bands have come out of tour hibernation and brought  live music to the global audience. So Bruce Springsteen decided to do one of those epic tours that he is famous for. Wendy and I spent […]

The Unseen Disability

Each day I wake up in a different state of pain. I pull myself upright, assess how bad my waking pain is, take whatever meds I need to take, to take the edge off, then breakfast, shower, dress – with my wifes’ help occassionally, before I set out for the day. The pain you get […]


We took a trip to Gloucester Massachusetts yeterday, where the excellent films ‘The Perfect Storm’ and ‘CODA’ where filmed. The weather was bright, but chilly and the scenery was idyllic.  The film CODA is one of my all time favourites. The story is of a hugely talented singer, played excellently by Emilia Jones (the hugely […]


I can remember in the early days after the accident when swimming helped so much.  Trying to dress in the changing rooms was always a challenge as I wasn’t too well balanced on my pins. But the real problem was people staring at the surgical scars on my legs. At this stage I had had […]

My folks were Superheroes

My parents were superheroes. Fact. They may not have worn capes or been able to fly but my parents were true blue superheroes. I certainly don’t think my recovery after the accident would have been as successful without their help. Sadly, my mam passed away seven years ago and my dad isn’t as strong and […]

Feliz Ano Nuevo!

Happy new year!! I hope you all had a great Christmas. Thanks to all who have bought copies of my book for presents and I hope all who received my book are pleased with their present and are really happy.  I am really happy. I have just returned from Tenerife (my favourite place to holiday […]

Motorcycle Live 2022

I am sure that many of us went to Motorcycle Live in NEC, Birmingham last week to see all the latest motorcycling fun. I did. It was great fun. They really seem to have sorted the event out after the pandemic and it was filled to the brim with stands and visitors. I met up […]

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